1-Touch Thermal Therapy

This device works by applying heat and gentle pressure to the eyelids, which helps to liquefy and release any hardened oils and debris clogging the Meibomian glands. These glands play a crucial role in producing the oily layer of the tear film, which helps prevent evaporation of tears and keeps the eyes lubricated.

This treatment can alleviate symptoms associated with dry eye and promote overall eye health.

  • 108-110°– the temperature necessary to release blocked glands. Studies have shown that this temperature cannot be achieved with home warm compresses.

  • Most patients feel very relaxed with the heat on their eyelids as though this is a spa treatment.

  • While eye drops only provide relief for a few minutes or hour at most, the relief from this treatment typically lasts for months.

  • This wilI vary by individual and the severity of the blockage of your oil glands. Most patients benefit from one treatment every six months, while others with severe gland disease require more frequent treatments.